First words from Sweden
In the House of Terror

Hey! On our second day in Budapest, we found ourselves at the House of Terror and got to know the most horrifying incidents of Hungary's history. And when I say the most horrifying, I also mean it. The museum tells about the most difficult times Hungary has faced; like how the country was between fascists and communists and how people were tortured and killed in this very building. The House of Terror was the headquaters for Hungary's KGB, ÁVH, a bit over fifty years ago. It was terrifying only to be in the building, if you started thinking that it wasn't even long ago when people's lives were determined here. (correct me if I'm wrong)

Tätä klikkaamalla pääsee vielä nettisivuille, jos kiinnostaa katsoa lisää.
The museum was very comprehensive and you could've got enormously information, if you had read all the paper notes related to each room. There were English versions available, which is always nice since most of us don't know Hungarian. One thing that I especially remember is the reconstructed torture cells and videos of the tortured people in the cellar. Most of the rooms had music, videos and lightning enhancing the frightening feeling and nearly each and every one of them had original furniture and objects in them. Downright chilling. I really recommend visiting here, when you're in Budapest! You might just want to do something more relaxing after the museum... You can get to the museum's website by clicking here, if you want to know more.

Car accident on our way to JFK
We had a bit of misfortune with us when we were going to the airport by taxi. One would presume that it's quick to get from A to B by taxi, but unfortunately that's not the case always.
Oltiin lähetty hienommalla mini limusiinitaksilla kohti lentokenttää. Hämärässä, bassoa jytäävässä, loisteputkin koristellussa taksissa oli kiva istua, mutta valitettavasti se hauskuus loppui lyhyeen. Kuului jäätävä tömähdys ja me kaikki pompahdimme ylös penkeistämme. Kovaa kyytiä kaahannut kuski törmäsi edessä olevaan autoon.
We had left with a nice mini limousine taxi towards the airport. A dim, bass blasting, led lighted taxi sounds fun and it certainly was, until something happened. We heard a loud thump and raised off our seats. The speeding driver had just bumped into the car in front of us.

But every cloud has its silver lining: I got to take advantage of my Spanish skills. I did my best to eavesdrop the policeman and driver's conversation. All I understood was that the driver lost his license, got a fee and had to stop his work for the day.
Meille ei onneksi käynyt mitään, joten säikähdyksellä selvittiin. Oli kuitenkin kiire lentokentälle ja jouduimme odottamaan uutta taksia jokunen tovi. Luojan kiitos meillä oli tarpeeksi aikaa, vaikka jonkin asteinen kiire JFK:lle oli.
Nothing bad happened to us, so it was luckily only a little scare. We were still in a hurry to the airport and had to wait for a new taxi for quite some time. Thank god we had enough time, even though we had to rush to JFK.
Tarinan opetus - tai no, pikemminkin vaan simppeli muistutus helposti ylenkatsotusta jutusta: varaa aikaa lentokentälle liikkumiseen. Myös sen taksin kanssa!
The lesson to be learnt - or actually just a reminder of an easily overlooked thing: have enough time to get to the airport. Even with a taxi!
On my way to Oulu
Heippa! Istun tällä hetkellä junassa kohti Oulua, jossa tulen viettämään loppuviikon mun vanhan kielimatkakaverin luona. Ihana saada pientä maisemanvaihdosta, kun tää toukokuu meinaa olla aika kiireinen. Perjantaina tai lauantaina olisi tarkoitus piipahtaa myös velipoikanaapurin Ruotsin puolella Haaparannassa haistelemassa tunnelmaa kahden maan rajalla. Jos jotain makeeta satun tallentamaan kameraan, niin voipi olla reissupostaus paikallaan. Sen näkee sitten. Palaillaan maanantaina!
Heya! At the moment I'm on my way to Oulu, where I'll be spending the rest of the week round my old langauge course friend's. It's great to do a bit of something different since May has been and is a really busy month. On Friday or Saturday, we're going to cross borders and go to Haaparanta (or Haparanda in Swedish) which is located right on the border of Finland and Sweden. If I capture some nice moments through the lens, I might as well do a little post about our trip. See you on Monday!
5 things you need to know about Budapest
Onhan se ilmiselvää, ettei joka maailmankolkassa puhuta tätä universaalia kieltä. Kuitenki kun ollaan Euroopan sisällä sellaisessa maassa, jonka kieltä harvat osaavat, on jotenkin kummallista ettei pääkaupunkiseudulla englantia puhuta kovin hyvin. Tai no, varmaan jos Váci utcalla liikkuu edes takasin niin sisäänheittäjät pälpättää englantia sen minkä suustaan ehtivät:D Me kuitenkin saatiin aika tylyä kohtelua West Endin kauppakeskuksen vaatekaupoissa, vaikka ystävällisesti kysyttiin englanniksi, että "voiko vaatteet jättää tähän vai vienkö takaisin rekkeihin" Vastauksina tuli välillä sympaattista mutinaa ja osoittelua tai sitten ärsyyntynyttä huokailua ja tuhahtelua.
1. Good English isn't spoken everywhere
It's obvious that the lingua franca isn't spoken in all parts of the world. However, when travelling in a country in Europe whose language is very difficult, it's a bit weird that people don't speak very good English in the metropolitan area. Of course if you only walk back and forth Váci utca you can hear the restaurant promoters jabber away English as much as they possibly can:D We got quite harsh service in the clothing shops of West End shopping center, even though we kindly asked whether we could leave the clothes by the fitting rooms or whether we had to take them back. The answers we got were either sympathetic murmuring and pointing fingers orrr... annoyed sighing and snorting.
2. Yksi euro vastaa noin 300 forinttia
Tässä on ihan hyvä sauma tulla huijatuksi. Tällaistahan se on tietysti joka maassa, jossa on vieras valuutta. Suosittelenkin lataamaan xe:n valuuttamuuntimen kännykkään! Siihen kun lataa etukäteen haluamansa valuutat ja päivittää tiedot, niin muunninta voi käyttää offline-tilassakin - nettiä kun ei tunnetusti ole aina tarjolla ulkomailla.
2.One euro is about 300 forints
Of course, it's like this in every country that has a different currency. That's why I recommend downloading the xe currency converter app! Then if you download the desired currencies and update the information, you can use this application in offline mode too. It's good cause, as you know, there isn't always an internet connection available when you're abroad.

3. Opiskelijoille on halvempaa ostaa kuukauden lippu kuin kolmen päivän turistilippu
Tiskin takana istuva nainen kysyikin meiltä opiskelijakortteja ja päädyttiin kaverini kanssa antamaan lukiolaisliiton kortti ja vr:n opiskelijakortti hänelle. Kummankaan ei periaatteessa pitäisi käydä ulkomailla - ei ainakaan vr:n kortin! Ilosena hän naputteli alennukset ja kertoi meille, että nämä julkisten kulkuneuvojen liput ovat sitten kuukauden voimassa. Tuo oli tosi kiva yllätys, kun me oltiin neljä päivää Budapestissä eikä tarvinnut huolehtia, milloin kolmen päivän lippu menee umpeen.
3. It's cheaper to buy a monthly pass than a three-day tourist ticket as a student
The saleswomen asked if we had student cards when we were about to buy tourist tickets. We ended up giving her a high school student card and a Finnish railway company discount card, which is also for students. Neither of them should be valid abroad but apparently it didn't matter. She was happy to give us discounts while she told us that the tickets would be valid for a month. It was a nice surprise since we were staying in Budapest for four days and we wouldn't have to worry about getting around during the last day.
4. Tippiä ei tarvitse jättää
Tipin jättäminen on helppo tarkistaa matkaoppaasta tai vaikka jonkun blogista (heh), mutta itselleni se ei jostain syystä tullut yhtään mieleen kun Budapestiin matkattiin. Siellä tosiaan useimmissa ravintoloissa lisätään laskuun palvelumaksu. joka on kymmenisen prosenttia koko laskun arvosta. Tietysti jos palvelu on ollut huippua, summaa voi pyöristää ylöspain, eikös vaan?
4. You don't have to leave a tip
It's easy to check whether you have to leave a tip or not in several travel guides or blogs, but I just forgot to do that before leaving for Budapest. A service fee, which is about 10% of the total value, is added to the bill automatically and it kind of replaces the tip. However, if the service has been outstanding, it's okay to round up the bill, right?

5. Lentokentältä pääsee helposti keskustaan julkisilla
Kyllä, se on helppoa vaikka kulkuneuvoa täytyy vaihtaa matkan puolivälissä. Lentokentän edestä lähtee bussi 200E, jonka päätepysäkillä Köbánya-Kispestillä vaihdetaan metrolinjaan M3. Oli pieni yllätys, kun tuo niin kutsuttu pysäkki ei ollutkaan vain pieni katos, vaan suuri julkisten liikenneyhteyksien kohtaamispaikka sekä kauppakeskus. Selkeiden opasteiden avulla metrokin löytyi! Se lähti tosin ulkoa eikä maan alta, mikä vähän hämäsi aluksi. Se samainen opiskelijalippu (ja turistilippu) käy muuten näihinkin yhteyksiin.
5.It's easy to get from the airport to the city centre by public transport
Yes, it's easy even though you have to change the vehicle in the halfway. The bus 200E leaves in front of the airport and in its terminus, Köbańya-Kispest you'll have to change the line to the metro M3. It was quite a surprise that this so called stop was actually a big intersection of public transportation and a shopping center rather than a small bus stop. With clear signposts finding the metro was easy! The metro left outside, which confused us a bit at first, because they tend to be under ground usually, don't they. Oh and the same monthly pass (or tourist ticket) is valid for these vehicles as well.
Ja Budapestin ekat valokuvat on räpsiny mun kiva kaveri♥ Rosalla kun taisi olla liian hauskaa tuon kartan tutkimisessa, heh.
&photos by my awesome friend♥ Rosa was just too busy having fun with the map :p
Harlem, I won't be coming back

I was left with an unwelcome feeling of our visit to Harlem. It has always been the dark-skinned people's neighbourhood, but I find hard to digest that there's still such an atmosphere in the 21st century. It felt as if we were getting weird looks, even though we only walked on the streets and were heading to the Harlem museum (which happened to be close, unfortunately)

Vika niitti oli se, kun joku katukauppias yritti myydä meillä jotain, en muista mitä ja suuttui siitä, kun nätisti sanoimme englanniksi "ei kiitos" Siitähän helvetti irtosi. Hänen sanojensa mukaan me "v***n rasistiset rikkaat valkoiset turistit" ollaan juuri tollasia ja pilataan kaikki. En tiedä, oliko hän oikeasti kypsynyt valkoisiin ihmisiin - jotka ei tietääkseni ole lähiaikoina rotusortoa harjoittanut - vai yrittikö hän vain provosoida. Joka tapauksessa tuli sellainen olo, että nyt äkkiä pois tästä paikasta. Mulle ei oo koskaan tullut ahdistava olo mun ihonvärin takia. Olin ajattelut, että sellaiseen tulisin törmäämään ehkä Afrikassa tai eri puolilla Aasiaa, mutta en Amerikassa, jossa kaikkien pitäisi olla samanvertaisia ja kylpeä vapaudessa.
The last straw was a street vendor who tried to sell us some thingamajig and got cross with us when we politely answered "no thanks". That's when all hell broke loose. According to his words, we "f***ing racist white tourists" are just like that and make all matters worse. I'm not sure whether he had had enough of white tourists - who haven't been doing racial discrimination for quite some time - or was he only trying to provoke. Anyhow, I felt like escaping straight away. I've never felt uneasy because of my skin colour and I thought that maybe some day I would, but in Africa or different parts of Asia. But not in America, the land of freedom and so on.

But then we continued to see Columbus university and Hudson river including its vicinity, all of which were beautiful areas. The weather also favoured us that morning!

Sometimes you just gotta share these not-so-nice travel stories as well. Perhaps we'll talk about something happier next time! Have you ever felt unwelcome in some place?
France two years ago

Matkailijat tiiätte, miten yksi olennainen osa matkaa on sen muistelu. Tässäpä vähän kuvia kahden vuoden takaiselta reissulta Ranskaan! Näitä hetkiä muistelee mieluusti lämmöllä:-) Täältä löytyykin vanhat postaukset paikan päällä ja jälkeenpäin tehtyinä, jos on intoa lukea niitä. Haluan myös ottaa esille EF:n kielimatkojen kysymys&vastaus -postauksen nyt kun kesä lähestyy ja teistä jotkut ovat lähdössä kielimatkalle!
Travelers know how one of the integral parts of the journey is reminiscence. So here's some photos from my trip to France back two years ago! These are moments which I gladly think back with joy:-) By clicking this, you can get to my old posts written in France and afterwards, if you're in the mood to do that. I also want to bring up my Q&A post since summer is coming and some of you are probably going on a language course!
Asiaa blogipolusta

Relaxing in Széchenyi spa

Greetings from pools with 38 degrees warm waters! Okay, I'm not floating in the pools anymore but I wasn't joking about the temperature. In Széchenyi Spa (...Chichen between us, one does not simply pronounce that name correctly!) the outdoor pools are kept warm all year round, so you can sit in them even though the mercury doesn't rise above zero. In these pools you can also see the famous - well, I don't really know how famous - chess players. God knows how many hours these men have been playing chess in the pools... Apparently, for quite a long time since they have already got a nice tan in the five degrees' spring weather:-D