Hello! Here we are, back in Madrid after a nice little Christmas break "break". I have to say it was a bit miserable to spend nearly all my time studying for exams, writing a photo analysis and finishing my French literature assignment during those two weeks when I finally went back to Finland for Christmas. Practically, we have the whole of January off, so that's just a few weeks of exams and then we're on holiday before spring term. How exciting. I don't understand the logic behind it, but this is how Spain has decided to organise stuff.
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First time at the main square at wintertime in three years - this time in a little blizzard!
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Kuopio market hall all christmassy - notice the guy sweeping off snow after being outside! |
I had my first exam the day before yesterday and that was the worst one out of the way: Medieval and Renaissance French literature. My assistance in lectures was pretty non-existent and the texts written in old French were so complicated I didn't really bother reading them, so my final assignment and exam must be interesting, to say the least...
Mä en varmaan täällä blogissa ole avannut mitään mun työjuttuja, mutta aloin viime syksynä tekemään transkriptioita (mitä nää ees on oikeella suomen kielellä??) osa-aikaisena etätöitä. Tuo töiden joustavuus on ihan unelma, kun pystyn järjestämään työtunnit, miten haluan eikä työmatkoihin aikaa (Madridin kokoisessa kaupungissa täydellistä!) Hyvä puoli on siis se, että pääsin töistä huolimatta Suomeen - huono puoli se, että ne työt tosiaan seurasivat mukana sinne. Onneksi en tee niitä kuin 10 tuntia viikossa, joten opiskelutkaan ei kärsi.
So I haven't really been speaking about my work stuff, but I started doing transcriptions last autumn as a part-time remote job. That flexibility is exactly what I need, since I can organise my working hours each week and won't be wasting time in commuting, which is a huge plus in a city like Madrid. The good thing is that I could travel to Finland thanks to my job's flexible character, but the downside is that the working hours followed me, of course. Luckily I only do 10 hours a week so it doesn'teven affect my studies.
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niece and step sister decorating the tree |
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smoked salmon crackers! probably one of the best foods EVER |
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a sister and her little brother |
So apart from studying and working I did have time to visit Kuopio, Lapinlahti and Iisalmi, spend time with my family, meet some friends (although only a few), enjoy Finnish delicacies, check out Gina Tricot's sales, celebrate New Year's Ever at Puikkari, marvel at the constant greyness, play Guitar Hero, start watching Skam thanks to my friend's recommendation and renew my passport. Quite efficiently used two weeks, shall I say!
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some great tits feasting on seeds |
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a woodpecker having his daily lunch |
Mutta hei! Tämä yksinmatkaaja lähtee taas kokeiden jälkeen - pakkohan tuollainen lukukausien välinen pari viikkoa hyödyntää jollain tavalla. Silloin ei nimittäin opiskelija voi edes potea huonoa omatuntoa opiskelemattomuudesta, koska mitään opiskeltavaa ei ole! Lähden Romaniaan viikoksi. Ei ehkä se tyypillisin matkakohde Euroopassa, mutta siksi se onkin niin kiehtova. Googlettelin jo eri nähtävyyksiä sekä romanian alkeita - se kun kuuluu samaan kieliperheeseen espanjan, ranskan ja italian kanssa. Ainakin nyt sen verran, että osaan paikkojen nimet lausua oikein ja sanoa vaikka terve, hahaa.
Anyway! This solo traveller strikes again after the exams - I just have to take advantage of such a long gap between the terms, right? A student cannot feel guilty for not studying if there's nothing to study! I'll be off to Romania for a week. Yup, not the most popular travel destination in Europe, but that's what makes it so intriguing. I already googled some of the sights to see and the basics of Romanian, which happens to belong to the same language family as Spanish, Italian and French. At least enough to know how to pronounce the names of the places correctly and say hello, ahah.