Yhden yön jälkeen oli aika jättää Sibiu taakse ja lähteä kohti toista Transylvanian kaupunkia, Brasovia. Kyseisenä päivänä sattui olemaan paikallinen pyhäpäivä, ja kun nettisivuilta ei saanut ostettua bussilippuja etukäteen, pieni pelkoi alkoi hiipimään päässäni. Pakko sanoa, että ensimmäisenä yönä päässä pyöri siis vain ajatus siitä, että nyt jäätiin loukkuun Sibiuun. Tämä huoli oli kuitenkin ihan turha, sillä bussi kulki kuin kulkikin Sibiu-Brasov väliä pyhäpäivänä ja lippuja riitti yllin kyllin. Meitä matkustajia oli viisi, kun taas kuljettajia oli kaksi. Minibussi starttasi matkansa kohti Transylvanian mutkittelevia teitä.After one night it was already time to leave Sibiu behind and head towards another Transylvanian town, Brasov. Funnily, this very day happened to be a public holiday and since I wasn't able to buy the bus tickets online in advance, a tiny fear started creeping in. I've got to admit that the only thing I thought about on my first night was that I'm getting trapped in Sibiu. This concern of mine turned out to be unnecessary, because the bus did run between Sibiu and Brasov in the end and there certainly were enough tickets for everyone. Us passengers were five, whereas the drivers were two. The minibus could start its journey towards Transylvania's meandering roads.
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me, Dan from Mexico, Lien from Singapore and Mariano from Argentina |

Heti alkuun kiitetäänpä Centrum House hostellia, jonka työntekijät ja kanssamatkaajat teki olon niin kotoisaksi Brasovissa! Väsymyksestä huolimatta tuli vietettyä upeita hetkiä hostellin luolabaarissa jutellen muiden yksinmatkaajien kanssa eri puolilta maailmaa. Meitä ei ollut kuin joku 15 henkeä, mutta sehän teki tunnelmasta vain tiiviimmän. Aamupaloilla ja iltaisin löytyi aina joku, jolle jutella. Mä en muuten tiedä, miksi jotkut hostellit ovat täynnä näin ihania ihmisiä ja miksi jotkut jää vähän sellaisiksi keskinkertaisiksi - vaikkei millään tavalla negatiivisiksi - kokemuksiksi. Muita ihania hostelleja oli nimittäin Lissabonissa (Alfama Patio Hostel) sekä Dublinissa (Jacobs Inn Hostel).
So first of all, let's thank Centrum House Hostel and its lovely staff and travellers for making me feel so welcome in Brasov! Despite the lack of sleep, we spent amazing moments together in the hostel's cave bar chatting with other solo travellers around the world.We must have been around 15 people only but hey, that's what made the atmosphere close-knit. There was always someone to talk to at breakfast or dinner time. By the way, I don't know why some hostels succeed to be such amazing experiences and others - while not being bad experiences by any means - fail to do so. Other hostels that are worth mentioning would be Alfama Patio Hostel in Lisbon and Jacobs Inn Hostel in Dublin.
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One of Europe's most narrow streets - Strada Sforii |
The first whole day in Brasov was spent on a castle tour, so it was only the second day that I dedicated to seeing Brasov's touristy things (which aren't that many, to be honest) Just like in Sibiu, you can find lots medieaval influences like towers, the church, a gate and wonderful fairy-tale-like buildings. Also, not forgetting that one of Europe's narrowest streets, Strada Sforii, is here in Brasov as well as one of the world's most friendliest dogs I've ever met! This little guy saw me from the distance, came up to me and brought me a stone. He started barking as I didn't start playing with him. This guy probably sensed I was a dog person, hahah!
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Yekaterina's gate used to be the main entrance to the town in the Middle Ages |
So the journey to the white tower turned out a bit too extreme for me which was why I surrendered half way. Winter maintenance is not a known concept here, aha. However,I make it to the Black Tower although I struggled. Again, there were no tourists (or other people, for that matter) around.
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The white tower which had some pretty slippery stairs to climb up! |
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View of the city from the black tower |
I probably spent half of my time in Brasov indulging on different sorts of treats from the bakery but I do have one restaurant recommendation for you: La Ceaun. They have such nice soups as well as other local delicacies and they're service was perfect! Of course I'll recommend you guys to try all the stuff at the bakery: pretzels, horns, pies... so many things whose names I don't even know. I also found Kürtőskalács (gosh what a name!) which I ate in Budapest and that made me so happy! I'm still not sure about what they sprinkle on the top, whether it's cinnamon, nuts or something else but it is just amazing!
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This soup cost me a whopping three euros and was so delish! |
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A roll with cherry marmalade inside - this cost me €0,60. |
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Kurtoskalacs - a pastry you might have seen in Hungary |
Tiedän, että Brasoviin tehdään päiväretkiä Bucarestistä, mutta olen niin iloinen, että jäin pariksi yöksi tutkimaan tätä paikkaa. Brasov kun on kaupunki vuorten välissä, niin siellä oli taianomainen tunnelma ja upeita maisemia. Menisin kyllä heti takaisin!
I know people do day trips to Brasov from Bucharest but I was so happy I decided to stay here for a couple of nights to explore is better. Brasov being a town between two mountains, it gave a magical feeling to it and the views were spectacular, of course. Would go back in a heartbeat!