During the last week, my roomies and I have educated ourselves in museums and an outdoor theatre. The park was completely crowded which was why we had to sit on the wrong side of the stage, where they had glaring lights and speaker heading to the wrong direction. We'll have to try and be earlier there next time. It felt as if no one was in a rush: people came to see the show with blankets and lunches and the audience consisted of families, couples in love and even dogs.
Museoista tuli käytyä Historiskassa ja Nobel-museossa. Kumpikaan ei varsinaisesti innostanut minua, mutta piti niissä päästä kuitenkin käymään! Historiamuseossa oli sellainen arkeologinen nurkkaus, jossa olisi voinut heittäytyä lapseksi ja viettää hetken hiekkalaatikolla kaivaen esineitä. Yksi juttu jonka kuitenkin opin museoreissulla oli Ruotsin aika 1800-luvun lopulla: täällä oli paikkakunnittain eri kellonajat auringonnousun mukaan. Göteborgin ja Haaparannan välillä oli noin 40 minuutin ero!
Out of the museums, I visited The History Museum and The Nobel Museum. None of them were exactly places to which I was looking forward but you just had to see them anyway! In the History museum they had an archaeological corner where you could have pretended to be a kid again and dig some treasures in the sandpits. But one thing that stuck to my mind in the museum was Sweden's time difference in the late 17th century. They had different times for different cities depending on when the sun would rise!
I've also been out far too much. The "fika" culture has swept us nordjobbars away and I think there's no turning back:-D We wanted to go to a nightclub on Wednesday but we just realised that not many places are open on Wednesdays or take in 18-year-olds. We ended up in a cozy bar and after that in a dancing place, which was just hilarious. A disco ball, small premises full of both young and middle-aged people as well as nostalgic songs made the place quite... interesting.
I''ve officially started my lazy life: I started netflix's trial month one day. It's been nice to watch series since I usually don't watch television all that much. I think I had my first day home for over a month: I didn't leave anywhere nor did I put on makeup. It feels good to wind down a bit, for it feels as if you always have to do something fun over here!
Vautsi olipa taas kaikkea ihanaa, puistoteatteri kuulostaa jotenkin tosi kiehtovalta! Haha Netflixin ääreen tulee uppouduttua ihan liikaa jos sen ottaa, mäkään en ennen telkkua pahemmin katsellut, tosin leffoja ja sarjoja tuli katseltua paljon, ei kuitenkaan niin paljoa kuin nyt kun on toi Netflix:'D
ReplyDeleteEikö ookkin! Tollaset tapahtumat on ilmasia niin kelpaa mennä aina katselemaan millanen meininki on :) Joooo netflix on ollut ihan unelma! Parasta kun voi kattoo mitä vaan millon vaan, kun telkkarin aikataulua ei oikein jaksa seurata :D